Trash Bash 2024 - What a Great Day on Greens Bayou!

In the early morning hours on Saturday, March 23, 84 volunteers arrived at W. E. "Bill" Crowley Park for Trash Bash 2024. They put on their gloves, grabbed a trash bag and split up in several directions to clean trash out of areas of Greens Bayou, a tributary near Brookside Cemetery, and a large detention basin near the park. Four hours later, this amazing crew had removed 20 tires and approximately 1600 pounds of trash! All this for a hotdog, a cookie and a bag of chips! (And the satisfaction of doing a really great thing for the environment, of course!)
We thank these wonderful volunteers from the Greens Bayou watershed and beyond! We had some corporate groups from DHL and Indorama. Scouts, volunteers from Sconzo Early College High School, and Greens Forest Civic Club showed up to work. We were very happy to to have friends from H-GAC and some familiar faces from other past events.

Trash Bash 2024 at Crowley Park is one of many that occurred at rivers, lakes, bays and bayous on Saturday in the Houston-Galveston Region. This annual event is coordinated by the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), and over 100,000 volunteers participate region-wide. Greens Bayou Coalition is the site coordinator for Crowley Park. H-GAC and the Texas Conservation Fund support and fund the region-wide effort. We very much appreciate our local sponsors, Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia, for helping us get our event supplies to the site, food prep, shuttle service and trash disposal, and East Aldine District, for providing safety and emergency services and recycling. Many thanks to the Harris Co. Sheriff Department and to Harris County Emergency Corps. for being available to our volunteers during the morning. And big thanks to Selina Valdez and her team from Neighborhood Services Depository & Recycling Center for collecting the tires and consolidating the trash for us! Great work, everyone!