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NRG Plants Some Trees!

We got a very early start on Friday at the UD 14 storm water detention basin in the West Reach of the Greens Bayou Watershed. NRG sponsored this event and sent 13 incredibly hardworking volunteers out for a Tree Planting. They walked up, immediately grabbed pickaxes and shovels and started digging the large holes required for our 15-gallon River Birch trees. Within a few hours, we had all the trees planted, staked, tied, watering "donuts" placed and mulch added. Then we cleaned up the site and congratulated ourselves.

It was a hot day, and it was hard work. But wow, what a difference the NRG contribution has made to that basin! Although the trees are "small" now at about 6-8 feet tall, they are already very noticeable. They'll provide shade to the well-used walking trail and help stop erosion in the basin. They'll also block some of the traffic noise. And they'll definitely add beauty to the area.

Harris County Utility District 14 and Greens Bayou Coalition have been working together to get trees planted here for several years and NRG made it happen. Thank you, NRG, for making this corner of the Greens Bayou Watershed a little greener today!



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