Arbor Day Tree Planting

Last October, we planted 25 trees at Buckboard Park, an amazing urban North Houston District park filled with art that features green space, a walking trail, and a playground for kids. It is highly used by the North Houston community. It lost many of it's established trees due to last summer's drought, to the detriment of the walkers and children , as well as the local environment. We sent a call out to community and corporate volunteers to join us in replacing more of the park's trees this Arbor Day, and were surprised by the response! Over 70 volunteers showed up! We could have used more trees! This impressive crew of volunteers was able to plant, stake and mulch the trees in under two hours!
Like any nonprofit, we rely on our partnerships to help achieve our goals! North Houston District was our host and helped coordinate the event. Trees for Houston donated the trees. Lowe's - Spring No.1961 donated the mulch and stakes. The folks from LandCare landscaping were kind enough to pick up/deliver the mulch and stakes to the site, start the holes for our tree planters and give instructions for proper tree planting methods. The event would not have happened without volunteers!! We had big contingents from Coca Cola Southwest Beverages and NRG, and LAN, with smaller groups and individuals from JMT, New York Life, Baker Ripley, SWCA, Hilton Houston North, and the community also arriving to help with the work. Greens Bayou Coalition thanks you all for your hard work, devotion to the environment and for furthering our mission of improving the quality of life in the Greens Bayou watershed!
Special thanks to Karen Gilligan and Marty Hughes for photos.