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Bayou Restoration

Native plants and clean water are integral for a thriving Greens Bayou watershed. Through a robust volunteer network and collaboration with community partners, Greens Bayou Coalition orchestrates cleanups, tree plantings, and invasive species removal events to help restore Greens Bayou.  The Coalition also participates in clean water initiatives such as Texas Stream Team water monitoring along the Greens Bayou.

Tree Plantings & Invasive Species Removal

Through tree plantings and invasive species removal with corporate, community and youth groups as well as municipal utility districts, GBC works to beautifying the region, improving air quality, minimizing water runoff and soil erosion and reducing the effect of "heat islands" in our increasingly urban environment. As youth groups join the efforts, we hope we are also inspiring a new wave of environmental stewards. 

Trash Cleanups

Greens Bayou Coalition hosts multiple cleanups annually within the Greens Bayou Watershed.


Some cleanups are corporately sponsored events where employees enjoy a day of bonding and team building as they help the local environment. 


Other Community Cleanups welcome individuals and groups, including youth organizations or school groups.


Greens Bayou Coalition is the site- sponsor for the Annual Houston-Galveston Trash Bash on Greens Bayou, which draws hundreds of volunteers.  In addition, a waterway clean up is a part of the Annual Greens Bayou Regatta, including a Styrofoam Cup trophy for most trash collected.


Stream Team

The Texas Stream Team is a network of trained volunteers and supportive partners working to monitor and promote stewardship of Texas waterways and ensure information is available to the public. The collected information can be used to make environmentally sound decisions.

Clean water certainly falls within the Greens Bayou Coalition mission of improving the quality of life in the Watershed.  A very real way to participate is to monitor water quality at sites along the bayou.


Citizen Scientists are trained to conduct monthly monitoring at specific sites along Greens Bayou to log water flow, algae presence, and test temperature, water depth, pH, and many other factors, Test results and field observations are submitted to the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment.


Since its inception, the Texas Stream Team has trained over 11,000 volunteers to collect water data of lakes, rivers and streams with programs across the state. For additional information about Texas Stream Team, click here: Texas Stream Team | Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)).


Interested in helping to monitor Greens Bayou?  Contact us here for more information:

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